Right of Way Brush Treatment
Key Benefits:
- Reduces the brush stem count in Right of Ways
- Extends Cycle Times
- Creates wildlife habitat verses mowing which disrupts existing habitats
- Weed Control guarantees 95% control of undesirable vegetation
Methods used:
- High Volume Foliar
- Low Volume Backpack
- Tractor application
- Basal application
- Cut Stump applications
High Volume Foliar:
This application method utilizes large capacity trucks with very long hoses (up to 1500') Usually used on Right-of-Ways that are more remote and have a high density of brush. Volume per acre can reach 150 - 200 gallons, depending on the height and density of the brush.
Low Volume Selective Backpack Application
By far the most common method used today in R-O-W applications. This method is best suited to areas that have between 1 & 2 years growth or that have been treated previously. Utilizing backpack sprayers and applied at a higher concentration of chemical than conventional methods, each individual plant is treated, allowing the applicator to be very selective and eliminate only tall growing species that will become a maintenance problem later on. Applied at anywhere from 5 to 15 gallons of solution per acre depending on brush height and density. This method is excellent in sensitive areas, and also causes less brown out due to the selectivity of the treatment.
Basal Application
Basal applications are also a low volume type application. Utilizing oil based products mixed with mineral oils and surfactants, basal applications are usually made when the brush is dormant. This backpack method is used in areas that have been treated previously or where no brown out is desired. This method is very selective and can be used in remote areas too.
Cut Stump Application
Cut Stump Applications are made to tree stumps to prevent re-sprouting. This method is very effective for new right-of- ways and existing right-of-ways. This treatment can be done year-round and there is no brown out.